All our demo content below is shown in ColorCode 3-D format to be easily experienced either if you are using a tablet, lap-top, or any other display. To view the demos in 3-D all you need is a pair of ColorCode 3-D glasses. The glasses are available from a number of different sources and are identified by the ColorCode 3-D eye logo between the eyes as well as the ColorCode 3-D logo and patent numbers on the inside of the frame.
ColorCode 3-D Demo kit If you intend to use ColorCode 3-D professionally please send a mail to demo (at) including your contact details and shipping address as well as a short description of your planned use. In return we will send you a free ColorCode 3-D demo-kit including two ColorCode 3-D Paper glasses, one printed ColorCode 3-D image, and links to additional ColorCode 3-D content.
Free test To give you an even better chance to evaluate the ColorCode 3-D System we also offer professionals a free ColorCode 3-D Pro™ encoding test of up to two minutes of your own content or, for real-time software implementations, access to the ColorCode 3-D RealTime™ implementation package for free internal testing and evaluation.
ColorCode 3-D demos
We have chosen to show our demos through a number of existing distribution platforms to emphasize the accessibility of the ColorCode 3-D system. You can of course also easily distribute your content in ColorCode 3-D using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media platforms.
For best 3-D viewing results:
turn on HD and full screen viewing
• use a color calibrated display (sRGB, 6500K),
• view from a viewing distance of 2x the display width
• turn off any disturbing ambient light
• relax and allow 30-60 seconds for the eyes to adjust and get used to the 3-D viewing
If you are used to anaglyph viewing the adjustment time might be even longer, trying again after a break might help re-teaching the brain to a better experience
• increasing the brightness of the display slightly can also help improving the 3-D experience.
The following examples shows how some customers and partners are using ColorCode 3-D:
Super Bowl Halftime Commercials
Dreamworks, Intel, and PepsiCo partnered to show halftime commercials of the Super Bowl 2009 at NBC in 3-D using ColorCode 3-D. NBC also released a special 3-D double episode of the SpyFi television series Chuck "Chuck vs the Third Dimension" the day after the Superbowl. Series produced by Warner television and 3-D episode created in cooperation with 3alityTechnica. 130 Million ColorCode 3-D glasses were distributed for the project.
The second 3-D ad, for SoBe Lifewater is found here. You can also find a clip about Chuck in 2-D here and the Chuck in 3-D promo here. |
EF Education
EF Education targeted 1M students in this direct mail and web campaign. Campaign is no longer running but the ColorCode 3-D campaign video is available on YouTube. |
Lytro sales executives and distribution partners have been using ColorCode 3-D to present the 3-D capabilities of the Lytro Illum camera in launch events and presentations.
VM Ware
VM Ware is running a campaign in Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia with 3-D information videos and has sent out ColorCode 3-D glasses to selected clients. Videos are ColorCode 3-D Pro encoded and distributed via YouTube to be easily available to everyone.
Direct links to all 5 videos: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5 |
Amgen is using ColorCode both in DVD distribution and on their web site in this medical animation project. This is a beautiful multiple award winning 3-D project in cooperation with medical animation company Random42. A follow up DVD production of this very successful project was created in 2015. |
Aristo 3-D™
Aristo 3-D is a new exciting product presentation and marketing opportunity developed by the ColorCode 3-D inventor Svend B Sorensen at SBS 3-D LAB. Aristo 3-D makes products come to life as if they were placed right on top of your tablet/iPad. Great for product presentations, marketing and education. |
Aerial photography, GIS information, BIM, and other architectual and construction information contains a lot of valuable 3-D data. This data can be made available visually for the big masses using ColorCode 3-D to improve communication and minimize risks for costly misunderstandings. |
Nobel Biocare
3-D Surgery is a great example of the benefits of instructional videos in 3-D. ColorCode 3-D has been used to make 3-D easily available at trade-shows and exhibitions as well as lecturese, presentations and on-line follow ups. |
The Last Tinker game at Steam
Developed by Mimimi Productions. To experience this game in ColorCode 3-D you will need to launch the game in cheat mode (choose “launch with cheats”) and press the 9 key to toggle ColorCode 3-D on/off |
Servus TV/Red Bull Media House
Red Bull Media House used ColorCode 3-D in a series of clips distributed through their TV Station Servus TV. |
All images, movies, texts and trademarks in the ColorCode 3-D demos are the property of their respective owners and may neither be replicated nor published in any way without written permission from Ogon AB, Sweden. |